How to Add Comments

Learn how to add comments to your screenplay for better collaboration and feedback. Follow Studiovity‘s simple steps to create, view, and manage comment section with ease.

Open the Comments Section

Screenplay on Web View

Click on the ‘Comment’ button located on the right side of your screenplay.

Click on Comments

Write Your Comment

A comment box will appear. Write your comment in the provided space.

Write comment

Add the Comment

After writing your comment, click the ‘Add New’ button.

Add Comments

View the Comment

Your comment, along with the author name and timestamp, will be created.

Comment Created

Mobile on Screenplay View

  1. Open “Comments” section under “More Options”.
  2. Type your comment and click the “Enter” button. You may also use emojis, other languages, etc.
  3. Your comment, along with the author name and timestamp, will be created.
Add Comments
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