Easily manage currency in movie budgeting by adding and editing accounts through Studiovity. Learn how to create new categories, update details like name and ID, toggle active status, and ensure seamless integration into your budget sheet for effective financial planning.
Navigate to the Settings Page
Movie Budgeting on Web View
Click the “Settings” icon located in the top bar. This will direct you to the settings page.

Add a New Account or Category
Click the ‘Add’ button in the corner and select ‘Account’ to create a new account or category.

Provide Details for the New Account
A box will appear where you can enter the name and ID of the category. Click Submit once the details are filled in.

Locate and Edit the Category
The new category will be added at the end of the list. To edit the category, click the ‘More Options’ icon to the right of the category.

Choose Edit or Delete
You will see two options: Edit and Delete. Select Delete to permanently remove the category or choose Edit to modify it.

Update Category Information
When you select Edit, a box will open. Update the name, ID, and toggle the active status to determine whether the category will appear in the budget sheet. Click Submit to save changes

Verify the Updated Category
Check the updated category in the settings. Navigate back to the budgeting sheet, where the category will now be displayed based on its active status.