How to Add a New Category to Script Breakdown

Learn how to add new category to script breakdown for better organization and customization. Follow Studiovity‘s guide to create, customize, and tag elements with new categories.

Open Department Section

Script Breakdown on Web View

Navigate to the main menu and open the ‘Department’ section.

Open Department Section

Access Production Design Section

In the ‘Department’ section, select ‘Production Design.’

Open Production Design Section

Open Settings

At the end of the top bar options, click on ‘Settings.’

Open Settings

Add a New Category to Script Breakdown

Click on “Add Element Category.” A pop-up box will open to customize the category. Write the name of the category, and select an icon and color.


Submit the Category

Click ‘Submit.’ The new category will be created and listed.


Return to Script Breakdown

Navigate back to the script breakdown section.

Back to Breakdown

Use the New Category

The new category will be listed in the right column along with the default categories. You can now tag elements with this new category.

New Category to Script Breakdown

Script Breakdown on Mobile View

  1. Click on the arrow located in the center of the bottom bar. Navigate to the Department Section.
  2. In the Department Section, click on props, set design, etc.
  3. Click on the “Settings” Icon in the top-right corner.
  4. Click on “Add Category” in the bottom-right corner.
  5. Give a name for the category and click “Done” button.
  6. With this, you have formed a new category. You can now tag elements with it.
New Category to Script Breakdown
New Category to Script Breakdown
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