How to Use AI Script Breakdown for Tagging Elements

Learn how to use AI script breakdown for tagging elements in your screenplay. Follow Studiovity‘s guide to generate, view, and tag elements like cast, location, and sound, ensuring efficient and organized script management.

Generate Elements with AI Script Breakdown

Script Breakdown on Web

Click on the “Generate Elements” button at the bottom center of the page to use AI Script Breakdown for generating tagged elements.

Generate Elements

View Categories and Elements

Click on each category to view the elements. There are many categories based on the scene like cast, extra, livestock, location, sound, etc. Each category may have one or more elements based on the scene.


Select Elements to Tag

Under each category, select the elements you want to tag. The selected element references would automatically tag the respective elements. e.g. Boy – Edward. Additionally, specify the number of times each element should be tagged.

Select Elements

Apply Changes

Click on “Apply Changes” to confirm your selections.

Apply Changes

View Tagged Elements

The elements will now be tagged wherever they appear according to your settings and will be color-coded for easy identification.

AI Script Breakdown

Script Breakdown on Mobile

  1. Click on “AI Magic” Button on the bottom right corner of the screen.
  2. A menu with all the categories present in the scene and their respective elements will open. Select the element references to tag using AI and click the OK Icon.
  3. The selected element references would automatically tag the respective elements. e.g. Boy – Edward
AI Script Breakdown
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