How to Add and Edit Sub-Categories in Movie Budgeting

Easily manage sub-categories in movie budgeting by adding, editing, or deleting them using Studiovity. Learn how to organize your budgeting sheet by associating sub-categories with accounts, updating details like name and ID, and controlling their visibility for efficient financial tracking.

Navigate to Settings

Movie Budgeting on a Web View

Click the “Settings” icon in the top bar. This will take you to the settings page.

Initiate Adding a Sub-Category

Click the ‘Add’ button in the corner, and select ‘Category’ to begin adding a new sub-category.

Provide Sub-Category Details

A box will open. Enter the name and ID of the sub-category, and choose the account or category it will belong to. Click ‘Submit’.

Verify Added Sub-Category

The sub-category will appear at the end of the list under the selected account or category.

Edit or Delete Sub-Categories

To modify the sub-category, click the ‘More Options’ icon next to it. Choose ‘Edit’ to update details or ‘Delete’ for permanent removal.

Update Sub-Category Details

When editing, a box will open. You can change the name, ID, and active status, which determines whether the sub-category is displayed in the budget sheet. Click ‘Submit’ to save changes.

Verify Changes in Budgeting Sheet

The updated sub-category will reflect in the budgeting sheet under the specified account or category.

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