A Beginners Guide To Scriptwriting. How to Write scripts for producers.

A Beginners Guide to Scriptwriting

Coming up with an idea for your script is an easy task. However, penning it down elaborately, good enough to make a sale, is a difficult task. Many start the work of Scriptwriting, but the dedication it requires to complete it is in a few. In this blog, you shall learn everything A-Z you need to know about Scriptwriting. From font to elements, by the end of this blog, you will learn all the fundamental foundations you need to build up your script. 

So, bring your pen and notebook and start making notes. Let’s begin. 

Don't Start Blank

1) Read one or two screenplays for reference

This might seem cliché and boring, but it is one of the most helpful tools with which you can make an excellent script. Reading various screenplays allows you to take notes and critically analyze the difference between a good and a bad script is. Therefore, forbidding you from making the same mistakes.  

2) Get scriptwriting software

You can take the help of StudioVity, India’s first video production management tool. It is a web, mobile-based, cross-platform video production management application. Studiovity is an end to end product management platform that allows you to increase your project’s productivity. Start writing your script for free on StudioVity today. Its features also include script breakdown. You can add your cast and crew, call sheets, payment breakdown, standard report (PDF format), and shareable links to your production team.

3) The Font

This might seem strange, but even scriptwriters need to follow a standard font worldwide. It is a 12 Font Courier. You can, however, change the front page, which consists of the name of the movie. Still, you must follow the same font as mentioned before throughout your script, along with your name at the front. Do not forget to add your name, email, and contact details on the same page at the bottom.

Screenplay | StudioVity

4) Page numbering

Except for the script’s first page, all the other pages must consist of a page number.

5) The crucial elements of a scene

A) Slug Line

Now we come to the most crucial part of your script: the elements. The slug or the first line consists of EXT.( outside shots ) and INT. ( inside shots) describe the scene’s location and time. However, do not try to be extremely precise for the time and keep it simple as the morning, noon, afternoon, or night. 

Syntax- For eg.- INT CAFÉ- EVENING

B) Action Line

This line basically consists of a small snippet of the location and the character. Do not try to be too descriptive with it, and try to give only those details that would help set up the scene. 

C) Dialogue

As the name suggests, this part consists of the dialogues. Write the name of the characters in all caps with proper parenthesis. These are V.O.( voice-over), O.S/ O.C. (Off Screen/Camera). Below, this consist of the dialogue of the characters and the action/emotions down below. 

6) Rule of Capitalization

A fundamental rule you must follow while introducing a new character is the capitalization rule. Every time you introduce a new character, write the name in all caps. This rule also applies when you are depicting a vital sound, emotion, or action. Keep in mind that such actions should be significant enough to hold an essential part in the movie. 

7) Paragraph division

One paragraph means one shot. So, wisely use paragraphs when you need to depict a change in the shot. Also, instead of writing one enormous paragraph, write several short paragraphs. One paragraph should not be more than 5 lines. 

8) Paging

For one scene, try keeping a limit of 5 pages maximum, and for the entire script, try not exceeding 90-105.  

9) How to store your script

Keep a Pdf as well as a binder for your script ready at all times. You can also get it copyrighted to avoid any future complications with theft. 

Above listed points are an A-Z of what your need to know about Scriptwriting. You can also read about beat sheets to follow and notes on how to write a better script on StudioVity. 

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