Department Help Guide


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Accessible on Mobile App

Mobile App Accessible: Anytime, Anywhere! Studiovity’s directing in filmmaking extends to mobile accessibility, enabling users to manage, collaborate, and execute tasks for their departments on-the-go. This feature enhances flexibility and efficiency in the film or

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Filter Elements on Shooting Script

Refine Shooting Script with Dynamic Element Filtering Studiovity’s directing in filmmaking is streamlined through the Shooting Script’s selective organization. This feature enables users to apply filters based on characters, scenes, locations, or props, providing a

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Customise, Collaborate & more

Tailor, Collaborate & Beyond Seamlessly collaborate, maintain security, and provide granular access rights to team members, ensuring efficient production planning while safeguarding your project’s confidentiality. Unlock the power of customization with Studiovity’s feature-rich platform.

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Character Mapping within the Cast and Crew department

Unlocking Character Dynamics: Cast & Crew Mapping Mastery! Studiovity streamlines directing in filmmaking through systematic organization and allocation of character roles in the script. This feature efficiently manages the casting process, assigning actors to specific

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Department-wise Permissions

Permissions categorized by department for access control Studiovity’s customizable access and control settings empower efficient directing in filmmaking. Administrators define permissions, ensuring team members access only relevant modules. This enhances security, streamlines collaboration, and maintains

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Detailed Department Element Report

Permissions categorized by department for access control The Detailed Department Element Report in Studiovity is a comprehensive analysis of film or video production elements. It covers script breakdown details like locations, characters, props, and scenes.

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Automatic Breakdown Elements within departments

Departmental breakdown elements automated for efficient workflow. Experience Studiovity’s intelligent and automated script breakdown analysis for efficient film production planning. Our platform automates the identification and assignment of script elements to specific departments, ensuring a

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Department-wise Overview

Summarized breakdown by department in detail Explore Studiovity’s comprehensive modules tailored for various departments in filmmaking. With AI-driven scriptwriting, dynamic storyboarding, and production management tools, our platform enhances workflows specific to each department, ensuring a

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Story Writing Competition Registration

Get important information like submission link, registration and submission details and more on WhatsApp!